About Tarang Transforming Schools Programme

Author:  Bharati D’souza | February 15th, 2022

‘Diversity is the mix. Inclusion is making the mix work’. – Andrés Tapia, The Inclusion Paradox

Inclusion is a concept that can present challenges in its acceptance and implementation, there is a need for a proper understanding of what changes are required at various levels. Inclusion is all about humanity, therefore we can compare these levels to ourselves and state that inclusion requires our hearts, our heads and our hands.

The heart of inclusion is believing in the philosophy of inclusion. Believing that ALL children can learn and have a right to learn together. We should all ask ourselves this question: ‘What is my philosophy of inclusion?’ Do we believe that the best school for our children is a school that accepts all kinds of learners and diversity will add value to our children’s educational experience?

It’s not enough to feel strongly and believe, this conviction has to be translated into systematic policies through smart thinking. That is at the head of inclusion. All stakeholders in the school have to put their heads together and develop written policies that can work for them. Written policies mean that the school owns the responsibility for the changes in their school, and these are more likely to be implemented.

Policies can be written down but they are only good in practice, so they have to be implemented. These are the hands of inclusion, the hands that do the work of inclusion. Inclusive practice reflects the actual enactment of the inclusive philosophy and policies of the school.

The Tarang Transforming Schools Program is the pathway that will direct you into making all of the above a reality! Sethu will walk hand in hand with any school that wishes to take this pathway, with orientations, training, guidance and mentorship

Know more about the Tarang Transforming Schools Programme – Reach out to Sethu, and we will be happy to help. Contact us on 7720013749 from Tuesday to Saturday, 9am to 5pm, or ask for our Parent Advisor.